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3 Short Form Video Trends To Grow in 2023

3 Short Form Video Trends To Grow in 2023

As we move further into 2023, it’s essential for brands and content creators to stay ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving world of short-form video content.

With attention spans dwindling and competition fierce, your videos need to grab the user’s attention in the first 1-2 seconds!

In this article, we will explore three popular trends in short-form video content, with practical tips on how to capitalize on these trends and create content that is designed to grow your account as fast as possible.

1) MicroLearning

Last year saw a massive surge in popularity for microlearning, and this trend shows no sign of slowing down.

Microlearning videos provide concise lessons in a compact format, perfect for the time-poor and information-hungry audience.

To capitalize on this trend, consider the following strategies:

  • Choose only the most interesting topics in your niche
  • Start with a strong hook and screen animation
  • Break your content down into easily digestible steps.
  • Begin your video with a problem and end with a solution, ensuring that viewers learn something new.
  • Use visuals and data to emphasize crucial points.
  • Collaborate with experts and thought leaders to explain key concepts.
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2) Influencer Ads

In 2022, a staggering 70% of U.S. consumers followed at least one influencer on social media, with one-third of them admitting to being swayed into making purchases by online personalities.

Short-form video content adds a fresh spin to influencer campaigns, making them even more impactful and engaging.

To capitalize on this trend, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Select influencers who have the highest engagement rates (likes and comments – not from bots).
  • Make sure their followers are real and not purchased
  • Partner with micro-influencers (under 25k) for more focused campaigns.
  • Have these influencers film short-form videos for your brand.
  • Aim for authentic, relatable influencer ads that don’t feel forced. Don’t sell to them, but rather guide them to your site.

3) Behind-the-Scenes Content

Offering a glimpse behind the scenes allows your audience to connect with you on a deeper level and piques their curiosity.

Behind-the-scenes content showcases the effort and creativity that goes into creating your products, services, or content.

To capitalize on this trend, consider these tactics:

  • Introduce members of your team in creative ways to feel more ‘human’
  • Make the content feel organic, avoiding a staged appearance.
  • Show the parts of your process that your audience never sees
  • Incorporate images of the final product or outcome.


By implementing these 3 strategies and capitalizing on these trends, you’ll absolutely be able to compete with your competitors. The level of your success will depend solely on the quality and quantity of the videos you make.

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