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3 Twitter Networking Mistakes (and how to STOP making them)

3 Twitter Networking Mistakes (and how to STOP making them)

I see messages from accounts in the 100-1000 follower range often complaining about slow growth.

The reason?

They still haven’t figured out that Twitter is a NETWORKING site.

And it turns out that most of the time they are ALWAYS making at least 1 of these 3 mistakes:

Mistake #1: Thinking everyone is the same

Would you speak in a corporate meeting the same way you’d speak to a friend?

Absolutely not.

That’s why most people struggle to grow and make friends on Twitter.

3 Twitter Networking Mistakes (and how to STOP making them)
A BAD DM example

Approach people differently every time, just like how you’d speak differently to a child compared to an adult.

Here’s how I connect with new people to grow my circle:


  1. LOOK at what resonates with me from their feed
  2. LEARN their personality through how they write and sound 
  3. LEVERAGE my personality to suit their tone when I DM them

Mistake #2: They aren’t making FRIENDS.

3 Twitter Networking Mistakes (and how to STOP making them)
A good networking example from today

This directly correlates to #1 above.

I’ve said this before… I despise the word ‘networking’. Here’s why:

  1. ❌ Too static: feels forced with language they rarely use
  2. ❌ Out of touch: speaking in an unfamiliar style
  3. ❌ Feels fake: like they’re after something

This is the RIGHT way to network:

  1. ✅ Make sure you can see them fit into your circle
  2. ✅ Be genuine. If you can’t find a lead, don’t force it!
  3. ✅ Use the LLL system above to connect with them

In reality, what you’re doing is making friends.

So ask yourself, “could I have a beer with this person?” 

Do that before you approach someone new and there’s a high chance you’ll be successful.

Mistake #3: Leaving Comments that oppose the author

3 Twitter Networking Mistakes (and how to STOP making them)

This is like having a group conversation and someone interrupts you because you pronounced a word wrong…


That’s exactly how NOT to build friendships and, in fact…it makes it HARDER.

People think this is how you connect while displaying a sore sight of intelligence.

… “Well, actually it’s this…”

Come on, bro.

You know this is public, right?

A strong rule we share across Twitter is to comment “yes…and” type replies.

Agree with the author of the post and also add your own 2 cents in a positive only way.

Anything that adds value to a conversation is the best way to connect and make friends.

Here’s the thing:

Making friends and connections is the fast way to grow on Twitter.

Which is why we’ve built a Twitter growth community where you:

  • Like and comment on each other’s posts for faster growth
  • Copy viral tweets from accounts with over 200k followers
  • Learn how top users monetize on Twitter

So, here’s to new, advanced growth.

>> Click HERE to join our Twitter growth Masterclass