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5 Reasons Twitter Will Be The Most Important Social Platform in 2023

5 Reasons Why Twitter Will Be The Most Important Social Media Platform In 2023

Twitter just reported its highest number of users ever, and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down.

Here are 5 reasons below why Twitter will clearly become the most important and most influential social media platform in the world before 2023 is over.


5 Reasons Twitter Will Be The Most Important Social Platform in 2023

Vine was essentially the app that brought short-form vertical videos into popularity, years before Tik Tok, Instagram Reels, or YouTube Shorts were ever invented.

After just 2 years Vine already had 200m active users and even launched the careers of influencers like Logan Paul and Brittany Furlan.

Elon stated that a Twitter version of Vine, which he calls ‘Vine Replacement’ will be coming to Twitter by the end of this year, directly competing with Instagram, Tik Tok, and YouTube.

The reason why this is so important for content creators is because sharing (retweeting) is inherent on Twitter, whereas it is not on all other platforms.

If you post a video people like, the success of the video isn’t solely dependent on the algorithm – the more retweets from users, the more views and engagement you will receive.


5 Reasons Twitter Will Be The Most Important Social Platform in 2023

The current subscription offered by Twitter Blue is only $8, but it gives you:

  • a verified badge
  • the ability to edit tweets
  • longer tweets and videos
  • prioritized ranking in conversations

That last point is the most important, because it is just the beginning of what is to come.

Elon has been hinting at more expensive membership packages that will put your tweets at the top of the Twitter home feed as well as trending news.

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As of right now it takes a lot of time to grow on Twitter and you have to be very creative with your methods, but once you can just pay to be at the top many individuals and businesses will pay almost any price.


5 Reasons Twitter Will Be The Most Important Social Platform in 2023

Just recently Twitter added the the option to tip other users for quality content, as well as added a monetization feature for creators to get paid when ads show up in the replies section of their posts.

Ad sharing like this will only become better and more profitable for creators as the year goes on, but the true opportunities will likely come in the form of ‘Sponsored Creators’ and ads in the Vine Replacement video feed.

Here is an example of ‘affiliated creators’ right now. Sponsored creators will likely have a similar symbol next to their usernames.

5 Reasons Twitter Will Be The Most Important Social Platform in 2023

YouTube Shorts is finally paying creators by revenue sharing from ads in the Shorts feed, but the platform is already completely saturated, whereas short form video content on Twitter will be brand new and thus have a lot less competition in the beginning.


5 Reasons Twitter Will Be The Most Important Social Platform in 2023

Most news websites make much of their money from showing ads on their site, but what if they could make even more by also publishing the full article on Twitter?

Twitter just rolled out 4,000 character Tweets making it possible for everyone to post their articles straight to Twitter.

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As more and more individuals get their news from Twitter, rather than reading it on an external site, advertising demand will grow on Twitter and the best writers will focus on growing their Twitter reach instead of visits to their website.


5 Reasons Twitter Will Be The Most Important Social Platform in 2023

Instead of users paying sending and receiving money with services like PayPal, CashApp, Venmo, etc. Twitter will be the place where you make your payments.

And you’ll likely be able to stay anonymous since payments will be made through Twitter usernames.

Twitter payments will be revolutionary if they are able to combine global banks, digital banks (Venmo, Revolut, etc.) and crypto into one payment system, because users will easily be able to accept and receive whatever form of currency they prefer.

When crypto becomes a method of payment on Twitter it will most likely begin with Dogecoin, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and a stable coin such as USDT.

When this happens those assets will jump up in price.

Speaking of Twitter growth – please follow us @easterntrendco so that we can keep providing you with valuable news just like this article.

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